Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 2

Day 2!! Was so much better than day 1. We came properly dressed with plenty of layers, and got to do more than just nailing in wood. We helped Steve put wood used for the roof on the forklift, measured wood for the roof, and knocking out unnecessary blocks of wood. I had fun during the lunch break, listening to stories. Walking on wood blocks above solid ground was thrilling and although i was forced to obtain a few scrapes, it was all worth it! I definitely plan to go back and volunteer at Habitat for Humanity, but when the weather is warmer.

Day 1

 Day 1! With my fellow classmate Lindsay, went to Habitat for Humanity! It was cold, and windy, and we did not come prepared for the wretched weather. We were greeted by Steve, the man in charge of the whole site. He was a very cheerful and charismatic soul that quickly got us started on helping with the houses. The house we worked on was roofless, and we had to work on ladders in puddles of water. All day we nailed in small metal braces into the the wood around the base of where the roof would be. A long day of hard work and frigid air, but it was worth it!

Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?

Democrats, who are liberal support Gay marriage. Barack Obama has been apart of the Defense of Marriage Act, to make Gay marriage legal. I think gay marriage should be legal, because an individual should be able to marry the person they love.


Republican is an individual that has conservative, economic, and social values. A lot of the members that are apart of the Republican party are Christian. The Republican Party is seen as the pro-business political party. A strength could be the rights of the American individual. A weakness could be that they focus on individual rights and justice.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Political Quiz Results

Centerville-You would feel most at home in Centerville, which means that you are more or less pleased the status quo-you think the US government has just about the right amount of control over your economic and personal decisions. Your neighbors include democratic and republican party leaders and others who call themselves "moderates" and "centrists."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Habitat Houses: Construction

Habitat houses are well constructed. Durable, clean, and sustainable at low costs. The construction focuses on: sustainable building, energy efficiency, and safe as well as healthy housing.

Habitat Houses

Simple. Decent. Affordable.
Habitat houses in North America
Habitat houses in the United States and Canada are typically built using wood frame construction, Gypsum board interior walls, vinyl siding and asphalt shingle roofs. Some affiliates also use proven alternative building materials such as adobe or straw bale construction.

U.S. and Canadian Habitat houses are modestly-sized by North American standards. Habitat’s guidelines dictate that a 3-bedroom Habitat house may have no more than 1,050 square feet of living space. 
Habitat houses around the globe 
From the tropical islands of the Philippines to the mountains of Chile, Habitat builds houses designed for the local setting. International affiliates build with locally-available materials, reducing costs and making it easier for homeowners to maintain the houses.

Habitat for Humanity: Aid to homelessness

For community service, I will be volunteering for Habitat for Humanity at Bay Point. I thought it would be a great experience and a lot of fun! Habitat for Humanity builds houses for homeless individuals or less fortunate families. Habitat houses are simple, decent, and affordable. They stress the importance of a clean, decent, and stable housing. Building homes has helped with families: being able to provide stability for their children, a family's sense of dignity and pride grow, a family's health and security, and educational and job prospects increase. Habitat for Humanity builds houses for less fortunate individuals all around the globe. I'm really excited to give back and gain new experiences!      


Death of U.S. Agent in Mexico

A U.S. immigration agent was killed in an area in central Mexico, which was currently under the influence of drug traffickers. The first agent's name was Jaime J. Zapata. The second, who's name is unknown, was wounded. Both agents were ambushed by gunmen at a false roadblock.
U.S. Immigration and Customs officials said Wednesday that Zapata was a native of Brownsville, Texas, and four-year veteran of the department on loan from the Laredo, Texas, ICE office. He and the second agent, whose name was not released, were attached temporarily to the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City.

ICE Agent Jaime Zapata